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Interviews, Testimonials, and Profiles

The power of images to convey a message is undeniable, but sometimes you just need to hear what people have to say. Below are examples of my work in combining visuals and voices.

Find your future at Delphian

Delphian is a private school that's been doing education differently for over forty years. When people visit the school, students are the tour guides. It only made sense, then, that their flagship promotional video would feature students talking about the school unscripted, in their own words.

The majority of footage for this project was shot by the amazing team at unbundled. After they completed one video for Delphian, the school asked me to make an additional cut focusing on other aspects of the program touched on in the student interviews.

Working in Adobe Premiere Pro, I strung out and pulled selects from the more than six hours of interviews, constructing the story from the best sound bites. Then I scoured nearly a hundred hours of b-roll footage for the ideal visuals to support that story.

Delphian was thrilled with the result, and I'm pretty happy with it, too.

Intro to Colleges

Providing a unique academic program, Delphian wanted a way to showcase their program and the students who complete it to colleges and universities.

I worked with the school's College Advisor to draft a series of questions to ask students that would highlight the program's uniqueness and provide college admissions personnel context when considering applications from Delphian students.

Trade Show & Tell

Exhibitors at trade shows love speaking to customers and potential clients face-to-face, but capturing their new releases on video, in real-time, allows them to spread their message through social media as well.

In the film and television industry, the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) Show is arguably the most important trade show for technology providers. Working with Zeiss, world-renowned manufacturer of lenses and imaging products, I created two videos showcasing their newly released lens line as they unveiled it on the NAB show floor.

Partner Messaging

Working with Zeiss on their NAB Show lens reveal also meant coordinating with their technology partner, Pomfort. This is the second of two videos created at NAB 2017, filmed on the show floor and edited on the road to get the message about the new product offerings out into the world.